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LaTeX documentation on Debian

Why isn't texdoc finding the right document?

The easiest way to get documentation for LaTex packages on Debian is using the texdoc program. Unfortunately, as a TexLive novice I found I didn't know what that involved. It was claimed on the internet that running something like texdoc classes would cause the documentation on the standard tex classes to pop up, but this wasn't working for me.

Texlive packages are split across a number of Debian packages, and each Debian package has a corresponding documentation package. So, for example, to get the documentation for siunitx, which is in texlive-science, texlive-science-doc is needed. This much was explained somewhere else online, but it can take a bit of head-scratching to work out which Debian package a given LaTeX package will be under. One way to work out which doc package is needed is to use apt-file. If texdoc source2e isn't finding anything, then

# apt-file update
$ apt-file find source2e

will tell you the package you're looking for is texlive-latex-base-doc


Even having installed the *-doc package, texdoc still wasn't finding it. The reason for this is that the index for texdoc needed rebuilding. I think this is a sign of a packaging error, since that ought really to happen any time a new texlive-*-doc package is installed. To do it by hand, it's a simple matter of

# mktexlsr

executed as root. This finally got it to find the correct documentation and I had no option but to get back to writing my final project report.